Show the detailed note on 0xE00002f7 error? Explain the error code briefly and show the steps to fix this error code and add the snapshot of the error?
I Have A Problem While Extracting The Mail Messages, Refer The Solution Of The 0xe00002f7 Error In Detail
It occurs when the is running an Exchange backup with the GRT option enabled, the error. The current log file is missing or there is a non-database file or corrupted database is being returned. 0xe00002f7 error is the error in which the user cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. The 0xe00002f7 error is caused by a corrupt or missing Exchange Transaction Log. The steps to fix the error code are as follows:
Step 1: Reboot the exchange server.
Step 2: Run a full non-GRT backup of the Exchange Database. Re-enable GRT and the job should complete successfully.
Step 3: Delete the Logs manually using the Eseutili feature.