I Have A Problem While Updating The Windows, And It Gives 800f0922 Error

Explain the 800f0922 error? Mention the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?

Explain the 800f0922 error? Mention the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?
When the user tries to activate Windows Server with the GUI tool, an error occurs named as 800f0922 error in Windows 8. The full error message is like, “We can’t activate Windows on the device right now.” The method to fix the error code is as follows:
Method 1:
Run the slmgr Command.
Step 1: Open the command prompt and select Run as administrator.
Step 2: Type ‘slmgr -upk’ and press enter.
This command will remove the existing product key.
Step 3: Install the new product key, type the ‘slmgr -ipk <your-windows-product-key’ command, and press enter.
Replace <your-windows-product-key> with the valid product key.
Method 2:
Run the DISM command
Step 1: Open the command prompt and type ‘DISM/online/Get-TargetEditions.’
Step 2: To upgrade the server to one of the target editions with a valid product key, type ‘DISM/online/Set-Edition: ServerDatacenter/AcceptEula/PorductKey:<your-windows-product-key>.’