I have no motherboard CD

I have no motherboard CD. That is I lost forever.
I want to make another CD for my computer motherboard.
In this situation how can I make another CD?
Or which method is appropriate to recover motherboard CD?

I have no motherboard CD. That is I lost forever.
I want to make another CD for my computer motherboard.
In this situation how can I make another CD?
Or which method is appropriate to recover motherboard CD?
There are lots of ways to recover your driver files. You can download programs similar to Driver Genius where it has the ability to scan, update, secure/backup drivers in any partition or removable media of your choice or you could just simply download Driver Genius.
Driver genius is fairly simple to use. You can scan your computer for its currently used drivers and can save an executable file that is containing the scanned drivers. The executable file that is saved can be put in another safe partition particularly in D: or in a removable drive or USB or CD. So if you needed to format your computer for some reason, there will be no more problem in installing your drivers.
You only need to run the saved executable file and it will commence in installing all the drivers that you previously used. Driver Genius has much faster installation process compared to the ones you actually insert a driver CD which could be done once at a time and insert another CD for another driver. Driver Genius offers an instant installation of your system drivers or all other drivers that is used in your computer.
The executable file could be placed/burned on a CD. Also this tool has an update feature of your drivers by directing it directly to the system manufacturer and you can create another executable file anytime you wish.
The CD for motherboard depends on the kinds and specifications of your computer.
Check all these things and you can easily find a CD for your motherboard.
Checking Google is too ignorant as an advice.
Better Find the Manufacturers' guide and go to their site to Download the preferred driver for the motherboard. Ask assistance to the nearest computer technician and it may help you gather information to fix this.
In this modern world you have no need to use motherboard CD. There are several ways to recover your driver files from internet.
First check specifications of your computer you can do this by using software also I suggest you to use CPU-Z. Then download your desire software from internet by searching specific model.
You can also use driver pack solution it really good ones.
Its fulfills your all required divers.
Thanks and Regards