I Have Tried To Establish An Https Connection, And I Face A 0x80090325 Error Message
What is the 0x80090325 error? Describe the cause of the error and explain various steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.
What is the 0x80090325 error? Describe the cause of the error and explain various steps to fix the error and also attach a snapshot of the error.
0x80090325 error is a server certificate error(SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT) that occurs when the user uses SSL with win HTTP. 0x80090325 error means the certificate chain was issued by an untrusted authority. This problem occurs because the certification authorities’ certification path are not installed. It seems that the certification authorities of your certificate are not held in SecPkgContext_IssuerListInfoExstructure.
The function name CertCreateCTLEntryFromCertificateContextPrope creates a certificate trust list (CTL) entry whose attributes are the properties of the certificate context. The error can be resolved easily by disabling the software which are checking these certificates. After that, a successful connection will be established between the host and the server system.
The other step to resolve the error message is that the user has to install all the trusted SSL lists into the system then the Software will verify the certificate by the installed SSL certificate list.