Hallo! There are moments when I try to access stuff from the vSphere, but I keep getting an error. The error is related to vSphere MKS Mac reading: Unable to connect to the MKS: Host address lookup for server”, “failed: No such host is known. Is there a known solution to this error?
I keep getting errors in vSphere MKS Mac.
This issue happens if the host could not resolve the VMware ESX/ESXi host name where the VM runs. This is a problem with the DNS, or the ESX/ESXi entry is insufficient. To fix this, all you need to do is to start your computer running the vSphere Client to fix the ESX/ESXi host's name. And then run the CMD and do a ping to the ESX/ESXi host's name. Ensure that you will utilize the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the ESX/ESXi host if it is registered on the vSphere Client.