Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 05/26/2013
Hello. I'm not much of a techy person so please help me out. I plan on using WordPress for creating fresh unique articles on my blog site to expand the coverage of my audience. Does WordPress have a chat function? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I’m planning to use WordPress for fresh unique articles
WordPress does not have a chat function that is built in. You can however plug this feature in on WordPress.
From the WordPress chat plugin you will have complete control over the chat messages since they are stored on your WordPress database.
You can get more information about the plugins at the WordPress website.
I’m planning to use WordPress for fresh unique articles
The word-press is indeed the right choice and you can put the chat function in your web-site using the word-press.
For this all you need is
1. A database.
2. Word-press software.
3. Appropriate word-press knowledge.
I cannot make the software for you but you can learn word-press as it is very easy to learn.
Please check this link for word-press software and this for learning word-press.
Hope you got your answer! 🙂