I need Flash game fla code or script

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys.  Can someone suggest a flash game fla code or script that I could use?  I'm trying to make my first flash game.  Can I also make modifications in an existing flash game template?  I have Adobe Flash Professional CS6.  Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by Alexander Dubson
Answered By 10 points N/A #137292

I need Flash game fla code or script


Hi Helenmarmstead,

I am happy to see that, you want to make flash game. God bless you. Thoug you are new in Adobe Flash Professional CS6, so i will give you all coding style with sample codes link. You jus try there.




Thanks for asking.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #199361

I need Flash game fla code or script


Yes, you can make modifications to existing templates but they will be required to be in the necessary file system so you can use it in Adobe Flash Professional CS6. Otherwise the conversion might not be as straightforward as expected.

In any way, it’s not a bad idea to have some scripts that you can examine and modify in order to learn and get some new ideas for a game.

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