I need free Skype for BB 9000 Bold smartphone application

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

As the title says, I have a BlackBerry 9000 Bold Smartphone. I am pleased with the performance of this phone, but I can not seem to find a way to download Skype for it. That is bad for me because all of my work is practically related to voice chat on Skype. I will make this short for you guys. How can I get free Skype for BB 9000 Bold smartphone an application or something as soon as possible please.

Answered By 0 points N/A #174516

I need free Skype for BB 9000 Bold smartphone application


Hello Sue,

You can get free Skype on your BB 9000 Bold if you are in the United States and you have subscribed to Verizon Wireless. Other alternatives listed below are available although you may be requested to pay for their service.

  1. WebMessenger Mobile for Skype.
  2. iSkoot.
  3. IM+ for Skype.
  4. Skype Lite for BlackBerry.

I hope this helps.

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