I need help about Zetafax export to another PC

I use Zetafax for printer fax. I have important contacts on my old PC. Now want to know about Zetafax export. How to export contacts from my old computer to new computer? Please help me.

I use Zetafax for printer fax. I have important contacts on my old PC. Now want to know about Zetafax export. How to export contacts from my old computer to new computer? Please help me.
Hello, Carlson! I have known that you want to more all contacts from your old PC. I have used this system when I was taking a new PC. In fact, it’s much better than that of anything. Well, zatafax is awesome and you can use it by internal communication like a Holstein. You will feel no more hassle to connect together. You can more info http://www.demasoft.com/zetafax.htm here. After all, you can also look for Google to get forum discussion. Best of luck!