I'm having a major problem with my laptop. When I log in, a pop up suddenly appears with this error:
Cannot find Explorer.exe
Nothing is being shown on my desktop. I tried looking for solutions online but all I find are ways to fix the Explorer.exe but not to fix how it will display the stuff.
Cannot find explorer.exe error after logging in
This issue is usually related to a virus infection. What happened to a client of mine was as follows:
System gets infected by virus.
Antivirus software is installed, including updates.
Antivirus software runs, cleans out several infected files.
At next boot, Windows shell does not run.
When in Task Manager (started by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL), when choosing File, Run and entering explorer.exe, error message "Windows cannot find explorer.exe".
If you open a DOS prompt and browse to C:WINDOWS and do DIR EX*., explorer.exe shows up. You can rename the file, delete the file, etc.; the file is clearly there.
If you try to replace explorer.exe with a copy from a Windows installation CD, you still get "Windows cannot find explorer.exe".
The registry entry HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Image File Execution Options/explorer.exe has a key similar to "Debugger" with value similar to "C:WindowsInfected.exe".
The Antivirus software has successfully removed Infected.exe, but it has not done anything to remedy the registry entry created by the virus; it is this registry entry that is causing Windows not to be able to run explorer.exe, and unfortunately the Windows error message is not really accurate.
The solution then is to remove the "Debugger" registry key. Then, explorer.exe has no restrictions when you attempt to run it; after you do this, reboot, and you should find that the system is back to normal (assuming there are no other registry entries that have been altered, or other viruses on the system, etc.)
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Cannot find explorer.exe error after logging in
Hi Bruce,
Here is the simplest solution to your problem. Please follow the following steps:
Press Ctrl + Shift + Escape (By doing this the task bar will open).
Click on file > New Tack (Run) and type there c:/windows/system32 (a window will open).
Then Go to the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage Execution Options
After opening it you will see entry names explorer.exe. Right click on it and select the Export option.
Then on the right hand side you will see "debugger" keys, what you have to do is, delete the "debugger" key.
Restart your laptop and install any good Antivirus and scan your laptop, it will search the virus and clean your laptop.
Thanks. James.