I need Indesign free templates for book

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -

Hi people.  I'm looking for indesign free templates for book that I can add to Adobe InDesign.  Is there a template where I just input the book size and then generate blank templates?  I have Adobe InDesign CS5 on Windows 7 64 bit.  Thanks.

Best Answer by Rebekah J Anderson
Answered By 20 points N/A #170679

I need Indesign free templates for book



You can collect Adobe in design free templates for book as to your requirement from the site given below.

Visit the following site:


This site will hopefully contain all your required information. Leaving this also there are a number of online sites from where you can collect your require information regarding Adobe in design free templates for book

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #170680

I need Indesign free templates for book



You can collect Adobe in design free templates for book as to your requirement from the site given below.


This site provides free plug-in for Adobe indesign. This plug-in gives you quicker and easier access to blank templates for book. You will have to input book details like size of book, page count etc and it will generate blank template according to your given specification.

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