I need to know ss7 protocol generators and its testing

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


My question is related my networking and protocols. I want answers from Networking experts only. I am searching for ss7 protocol generators and the way how to implement it. I am working on Signalling System 7 (SS7) protocol and its specification. Please tell me how I can test this protocol.

Answered By 0 points N/A #184534

I need to know ss7 protocol generators and its testing




Since you have been working on it, I hope you understand that SS7 is a huge protocol stack with multiple layers with each layer responsible for handling a specific set of protocols. For example, the application layer itself has many different protocols such
as MAP, CAP, INAP, etc. Also, this stack can be used for 2 main branches of development; IP based SS7 (known as SIGTRAN) and TDM based SS7. So, when you say you would like one SS7 protocol generator, I hope you mean that for a particular protocol at a particular layer.
There are lots of simulators out there to meet your needs. One example would be CGIN Connectivity Pack at 
Hope it helps.
Best Regards,

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