Asked By
Krueger Jim
0 points
Posted on - 04/27/2013
I need to put-up a deployment or component diagram for live meeting, and I think it is possible on MS PowerPoint. But the question is its versatility, I mean is it applicable to all versions of Microsoft Office? And are there any restrictions for each platform if ever? What basic steps must I do for a success of my goal? I am seeking an expert advice regarding this matter. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you!
I need to put-up a deployment or component diagram for live meeting
Microsoft Office Live Meeting is installed to run on Windows, Mac and Solaris platforms; although the desktop client is not supported on the Mac. Non- Windows users can connect to a web-based Live Meeting – you only need a HTTP address to access the meeting.
It is supported till Office 2007; but there are Windows updates that can be downloaded to allow the use of Live Meeting in Office 2010 and 2013 of Windows 8. Technet Blog provides links to these updates and support articles.
With the introduction of Office 365, it is advised that Live Meeting users migrate to the Microsoft Lync Server.