I need some acrobat script calendar example.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I need some acrobat script calendar example.

Can you provide an illustration that shows an acrobat script calendar example?

I want to get some idea from you experts.

I wish you would take time to help me.

Expecting some help,

Thank you.

Best Answer by JOY Schilling
Answered By 5 points N/A #182071

I need some acrobat script calendar example.


Well Mr. Davy,

Acrobat scripts are usually Java based scripting. So you can use a Java script like “var RightNow =new date ();”. There is a site acrobatusers.com can help you a lot.

Acrobat calendar script also deals with time.

Day count and day name can be included or you can modify as you like.

So take a tour in the given site hope you can find out the solution as you want.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #182073

I need some acrobat script calendar example.

Hi Allison,
I am giving you the Java Script Calendar Code. Follow the steps below.
Step 1. Create a folder named "JavaScriptCalendar". In that Create Notepad file and give it to name "Calendar.css", and paste the attached CSS code.
Now it's done. Close everything and then double click on Calendar.html file. It will open in browser. Click on "Select" and pick your date.


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