I just installed UnityProject 3.0 that can be integrated with Nvidia PhysX. I'm trying to create a 3D game terrain and I was wondering if alpha-blending is possible with the code in just one texture? I need tutorials in Unity Project texture paint. Thanks.
I need Unity project texture paint tutorial
If you are looking for tutorials on adding Textures and blends on UnityProject, you can click on the link below for detailed information. You can decorate your terrain textures and combine it with other textures to create a good transitions.
I need Unity project texture paint tutorial
 I found out that there are many tutorial available in YouTube where you can watch how to make a Terrain in Unity. I embedded one below:
[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4todUOBwIA autoplay:0]
You may also want to use Heightmaps. You just need to create a terrain in Photoshop and then make it a .raw heightmap and then import it to Unity 3D. Simply draw out your designs on a fluctuating leveled plateaus with the use of tools and paints.