I received an error message while opening a file from Forza 4

Hi Experts,

Hi Experts,
Hi Ahmad,
if you want to avoid this error next time so you have to follow these points.
First check that the requirements of Froza are installed properly and working properly on your system.? means that the Froza requires ".NET Framework 2.0 or Higher" and "XNA Framework 3.1" Some times the problems occur in these Frameworks but we think that it is our Software's Problem.
After Checking that you should check that the file you are importing in the Froza is supported by it.
For Example, Froza supports these types of files ".carbin" , ".rmb" , ".bin" , ".XDS" and ".bix" if you will try to open other type of file like ".zip" or ".rar" or any other type, then you will receive this error message "You Slipped one Past the Goalie"
Kindly Make sure that you are not importing any other file type.
Take care of file type. You will remain far from this error