I received an exceptional error message when I tried to login HRC


Hello Johnson
An error was found creating the named object. An invalid value has been specified for the named attribute. Examine the pool and connection XML files, and ensure you are providing a valid value for the named attribute. Therefore, please follow this workaround:
Reinstall HRC (install as Administrator this time).
If the issue still remains, verify the logs if you see the above mentioned error.
If yes, please register the dll manually.
Open the “command prompt” on the PC
1. Cd < push spacebar > C:WindowsSysWOW64 < push Enter key >
2. regsvr32 < push spacebar>msmask32.ocx < push Enter key >
You should get a prompt saying “Dll Register Server in MSMASK32.ocx succeeded”
Try to open and login to HRC again.