I received a warning with my InfoPath 2010 my: txtScheduleTiming Error

Hi Experts,


Hi Experts,
Hello Brady,
From the error message that you have posted, it appears like the field in question may only have numbers in the field and you have text values. So you will need to double check and ensure that you are imputing the correct values in each field and then re-submit the form.
Hello Brady collins
Hope that my message finds you well.
I think first of all you should observe what fields are causing errors, If these causing error are not displaying
press on the details button on the error message and it will leads you in what fields that is causing the problems
so you should double check these fields, also another option you can remove the data validation.
Hope this solution will help you and please let me know if you need anything else.
Kind regards,
Both of your speeches are good. May Jratr, you are right. Actually when the error appeared, I did not know what to do. After your suggestion, I press the details button and I found out what I needed to do. Now I am free from this error. Thanks May Jratr for your knowledgeable remedy.