I want a Backup software

I want a backup software (not the default one). I want another multi function software. Better than windows back up software. I need some extra functions with that software.
Please give me a reply.

I want a backup software (not the default one). I want another multi function software. Better than windows back up software. I need some extra functions with that software.
Please give me a reply.
A good way's also to backup your data is in safe mode where you can copy all the content of your hard disk drive without prompting any error saying the file cannot copy or file has been protected. If you want a software to make your backup use.
Cobian backup it can be saved to CD, DVD, USB memory stick, a second hard drive (internal or external) etc. Users should aim to use removable media if possible, and ideally should physically remove the media to a separate safe storage place just in case the PC is stolen, damaged, catches fire etc. Backing up files to the same hard drive as the original files offer only minimal protection against accidentally deleting or corrupting files but no protection against more serious events.