I want to create a result sheet
I want to create a result sheet .For that I need to create a formula which will show the grade based on obtained mark. How will I do that in MS-Excel?
I want to create a result sheet .For that I need to create a formula which will show the grade based on obtained mark. How will I do that in MS-Excel?
We are able to use some Microsoft excel formulas in order to create a result sheet easily. First I will assume as an example what are the ranges of mark in order to get each grade as follows.
Marks between 0 and 25 (0<X<25) Grade D
Marks between 25 and 50 (25<X<50) Grade C
Marks between 50 and 75 (50<X<75) Grade B
Marks above 75 (75<X) Grade A
Now please make three excel columns in a excel work sheet as follows.
Then type this formula in column “Grade” and copy in down to any no of cells that you want.
=IF(C3<=25,"Grade D",IF(C3<=50,"Grade C",IF(C3<=75,"Grade B",IF(75<C3,"Grade A","X"))))
Point to note: you have to type this formula in cell D3 as shown in the following image.
Now enter marks of each person then the grade will appear according to the marks.