I want to download oxygen theme pack

How to download free oxygen theme pack Files at Software Informer ? This program helps you customize the visual appearance of the Windows

How to download free oxygen theme pack Files at Software Informer ? This program helps you customize the visual appearance of the Windows
Hello there Max,
For your problem I have researched a full tutorial of how to install and make sure that you'll be able to make your computer look like oxygen theme.
You need to check the full tutorial here, which uses KDE.
Alternatively, you can try checking the best available windows oxygen theme from here.
Hope this works out for you.
Waall Mike
The Oxygen theme pack is not available at Software Informer at the moment.
There is however, a site with the Oxygen Theme pack available for download.
However, the Oxygen Theme is only available for Windows XP.
There are however many more themes available on the site for both Windows XP and Windows 7.