I want to enable DVD Playback in my Ubuntu 11.04

I want to enable DVD Playback in my Ubuntu 11.04. But I got the following error: –

An error occurredÂ
Please help me to solve it.
Thanks a lot.

I want to enable DVD Playback in my Ubuntu 11.04. But I got the following error: –
An error occurredÂ
Please help me to solve it.
Thanks a lot.
It seems that the contents of your DVD disk are inaccessible by your DVD drive. This error will not happen on normal movie DVD disks. I think here the contents of your DVD disk are burned data files or video files that were encrypted during the process. If this is your disk’s state then you really need to use a DVD decryption tool so you can access the disk’s contents.
If you are not sure whether the disk is encrypted or not, try removing the disk from your DVD drive then replace it with another DVD disk like for example a movie DVD then see if you are able to see its contents. This is only to verify if there is no problem with your optical drive.