I want to know the easy steps in replacing the frontal panel

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Can anyone help me how to replace the front panel? 

What are the guidelines that are needed for the easy replacement?

Please help. 

Answered By 95 points N/A #104782

I want to know the easy steps in replacing the frontal panel


What’s the device you are using now, is it a laptop or a desktop?

What is the software version?

This all query is must a need for your solution. However here I’m going to help you about the problem. You can replace a front panel object that you want. You can done it with a different indicator.

You haven’t to losing the label, caption, and value you set for the object.

Follow the process here I given below-

1. Place a right click on a front panel object.

2.  Now select replace from the shortcut menu. It will display a temporary version of the controls palette.

3. In this step, you have to select a indicator the temporary control palette. It replace your current front panel object.

Hope you can now get the proper solution.


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