I want to know what is the best software?

I want to know what is the best software to edit image and also tell me what new things in PhotoShop CS 3 has come.

I want to know what is the best software to edit image and also tell me what new things in PhotoShop CS 3 has come.
It is depends mostly on the designer. Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe illustrator is two best software to edit image on the other hand Adobe In design is famous for the image edit which need to be print. PhotoShop and illustrator is so close software and depends on you what you can use well. I recommended you to use Photoshop. Now lets talk about PhotoShop in PhotoShop CS 3 there are lot of new things like spot healing tool which is optimized for healing the spot on a human face. Vanishing point. Red eye tool, quick selection tool, magic eraser tool many more. For more help go to help top menu and click PhotoShop help.
Hello Kabir,
So far as of my knowledge I would suggest you to Go for Adobe PhotoShop CS3. I am personally using it since a long time and am really satisfied with the features and extra effects it offers me.
The best part of it is it will give you the best results and better productivity as compared to other photo editing soft wares. Also there are so many new and exciting features in Adobe PhotoShop CS3 like creating 3D Animation, models and videos. It also poses a capacity to Import Video files quickly and easily.
The Measure Tool is also a significant feature, it will quickly let you measure dimension of a model. And there's lot more.
Hope this helps.
Hi KabirAli,
The best software for editing software according to me is adobe PhotoShop which has its latest version, CS5, now. But since you are interested in knowing the features of adobe PhotoShop CS3, then I will have to highlight some of them for you.
Adobe PhotoShop CS3 has a new palette docking behavior that offers you a whole lot of simplified functionalities and a single column tool bar that decongests the page hence making it easy for you to locate a feature that you will like to use.
Palette docks can be converted to icons with a lot if easiness, and when they are hidden they can be easily be traced by simply hovering the mouse to the area of the screen where they are.
Other improvements are notable in the GUI and the fonts.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung.