Hello, I am studying html codes and PHP as well and eager to learn about profile creation site. How can this be done? Can you give me some website that offers a tutorial about html codes, PHP, java scripts and more? I need your help.
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15 points
I want to learn about profile creation site.
Paul Digiovanni ,
I can provide useful links to learn HTML, PHP, and Java Script. There are complete well organized examples available in the w3schools.com. There you can learn html, JavaScript, and PHP. Also they have given an opportunity to the user to simulate the code. This is very interesting. Here is the links for tutorials
Jav2s.com is another good site for learning above stuff.
Hope this is helpful.
I want to learn about profile creation site.
Creating a user profile starts with the user registration process of a web application. So you should first consider about creating a registration page. Let’s say you have a registration page with following fields:
User Name, Password, Telephone and Address
User enters the above details and submits the form. Then those data are saved within the database with a unique ID for that user. In most cases according to the database language we call this unique as the primary key.
After user login we keep that unique id in a session variable and retrieve users profile details using that id. So when you go to the profile page user could see his profile data which he had entered on the registration.
Below link will show you more details regarding developing a user profile page in PHP