I want to rename my physical Drives

Here is some information for renaming the physical drives. If the drive is created with Subst command or by another software utility than you can’t rename the drive.
Following step are useful for renaming drive for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, XP and windows 7 users.
Open My Computer.
In My Computer’s window, Right Click the drive you are willing to rename and Click Properties.
Within the Properties window, type new name in the “Label” Box and Click on OK.
Note: Microsoft windows user can also use the command lines steps below to change the name of the drive.
Windows 3.x, MS-DOS, and windows command line user
For renaming the disk drive from an MS-DOS prompt, type the command below
Substitute “ New name” that you are willing as Drive Name.
Label c: new name
The above is the example of renaming the drive c. By substituting the c for any other drive letter will rename that drive.
You can only do it for physical drives. If the drive is being created with the subsets command or any other software utility, then you will not be able to rename the drives.
Only for users of Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP:
1. Double click the My Computer icon.
2. In My Computer, just right click the drive you want to rename and click Properties.
3. Within the Properties dropdown menu type your desired name in the "Label" box and click ok.
Important: Ms Windows users can also use the below command line steps to change the name of the desired drive.
Windows 3.x, MS-DOS, and Windows command line users:
To change the name of a hard disk drive from a MS-DOS prompt, just type the text; substitute "yourname" the name you want to wish the new one.
Label c: yourname.
This will rename your C: drive to yourname. Substituting the c for any other drive letter will give your desired name to that drive.
Hello Dear,
It is very easy to rename physical drives. You can rename these drives as well as renaming files or folders by pressing the F2 key.
Just open My Computer, and right click on C drive and choose the “rename” option. Or, select the drive that you want to rename by single clicking on it and pressing F2 key, then give the drive the name you desire and press enter.
It will be renamed.
It is a very simple method, there is no need to type long commands to change volume labels in DOS. Thanks.