I want to restore files from my old phone

I used to have an iPhone 3G but I lost it. My wife has an iPhone 3GS and she just got an iPhone 4S today so she gave me her old iPhone 3GS. About a month ago, I have a back up of my lost iPhone 3G. Since it was running in iOS 4 at the time of the back up, I cannot restore my 3G back up for the new iPhone 3GS which is currently running in iOS 5. I tried to restore my back up by downgrading my new iPhone 3GS to iOS 4 then upgrading to iOS 5 but this doesn’t work. My information under my old iPhone 3G has been backed up on iTunes. How can I restore my old information in my 3G to my new iPhone 3GS? I want to restore all my contacts from my lost iPhone to my new iPhone 3GS. I just want to get all my old contacts and messages from my iPhone 3G. If you couldn’t help me do that then I wouldn’t care about restoring since I can manually input everything else I need to my new iPhone 3GS. Do you have any suggestions on how can I do that?