I Want To Uninstall The Acrobat Dc From The MacOS
Write about the steps to uninstall the acrobat dc application from the macOS and attach the screenshot of the steps.
Write about the steps to uninstall the acrobat dc application from the macOS and attach the screenshot of the steps.
The user can easily uninstall the acrobat dc application from the macOS using the Acrobat DC uninstaller from Finder >> Application >> Adobe Acrobat DC. If the user is facing any problem, then he can use the Acrobat Cleaner tool to do the task. The steps to perform the uninstallation process of the application are:
Step 1: Go to Finder >> Applications >> Adobe Acrobat DC, and double click the Acrobat Uninstaller.
Step 2: The uninstaller asks to select the product. So, select the product and open it.
Step 3: Click on OK in the confirmation dialog for Acrobat DC removal.