Asked By
Judy Plum
120 points
Posted on - 02/06/2013
Hi Friends,
I got a new dell XPS 420 Desktop in that I have 1 hard desk I can connect 2 drives in that desktop. Now I wanted to take the backup from my old hard disk. Can I connect it to the additional slit available if yes, what drive it shows?
At present I have 2 partitions C & D. I don’t want to lose the data can anyone help with this.
Thanks in advance.
I wanted to take the backup from my old hard disk
You have two ways of getting that old hard drive connected to your new XPS 420 desktop. Without risking any data loss.
first we need to identify what type of hard disk you have at hand.
IDE – looking at the end of your HDD where the connections go into, you shall see a lot of pins it means it is an IDE type HDD
SATA – you'll see just a few pins. like, only 4 or 6 tiny pins. That is for the jumper settings for speed limit only.
Connecting your old HDD (Hard Disk Drive):
1. The mainboard of your XPS supports both SATA and IDE hard disks. The Hard disk installed inside your new system is already a SATA type HDD. So you will have to purchase an IDE cable if your old HDD is an IDE and if none came with the system for free. There should be an available molar type power connection for your old HDD inside. But, if it is also a SATA type HDD then there should be an extra available connector inside both for data and power. Cable for power and data cannot be interchanged as they wont fit in to each other.
*XPS systems comes with a free phone support for minor hardware assistance. I suggest you call in for it for better guidance in doing this step, hence you will have to get an access to the BIOS to enable the connection if it is not in an automatic mode. So we can also avoid any warranty breach.
2. Here is a much simple and more useful way of getting your old HDD connected. Go to any computer store of your choice, buy an external 3.5 inch HDD enclosure with USB connectivity for either IDE or SATA type HDD's. Pop your old drive inside the enclosure connect the USB cable to your XPS. Windows shall automatically detect and install your old HDD which is now an external storage device. This method is simple and makes your old HDD handy and ready for mobile use you can take it and connect it to any systems you need an external storage.
The drive names as you look in my computer varies and is sequential. If you already have C & D normally your old HDD will then be considered as drive E.            Â
I wanted to take the backup from my old hard disk
You can easily save data from the hard drive. Use a SATA/IDE to USB 2.0 adapter to transfer all files to a new computer.
The adapter allows the old hard drive to act like an external hard disk.
These are the steps:
1. Remove the old hard drive.
2. Attach adapter to old hard drive.
3. Attach adapter to new computer.
4. Turn adapter switch to on.