Hello fellows,
I would like to know about dynamic countdown script. I need a timer countdown for a specific website or any Java or visual basic programming language. What would be the easiest way to create a countdown timer using scripts? I need some of your advice; I have to choose first before I begin. This is for our company system; we need a countdown timer for the upcoming events.
Isabella Barry.
Answered By
Max Neil
0 points
I would like to know about dynamic countdown script.
Here is the code snippet to insert wherever you want:
<Label id="Complete"></label>
02 <Script type="text/JavaScript">
03 var Affiche=document.getElementById("Complete");
04 Function Rebour () {
05 var date1 = new Date();
06 var date2 = new Date ("Fev 1 00:00:00 2013");
07 var sec = (date2 – date1) / 1000;
08 var n = 24 * 3600;
09 If (Sec > 0) {
10 j = Math.floor (sec / n);
11 h = Math.floor ((sec – (j * n)) / 3600);
12 mn = Math.floor ((sec – ((j * n + h * 3600))) / 60);
13 sec = Math.floor (sec – ((j * n + h * 3600 + mn * 60)));
14 Affiche.innerHTML = "Time remaining : " + j +" j "+ h +" h "+ mn +" min "+ sec + " s ";
15 window.status = "Time remaining : " + j +" j "+ h +" h "+ mn +" min "+ sec + " s ";
16 }
17 tRebour=setTimeout ("Rebour();", 1000);
18 }
19 Rebour();
20 </script>
* To select your date, you can simply change concerning "date2": ("Fev 1 00:00:00 2013")
The month is to leave three letters, one is the day of the month (it is useless to put a 0), and 00:00:00 is hours: minutes: seconds.
Of course, the countdown is dynamic and updates itself.
I would like to know about dynamic countdown script.
Hi Barry!
I am giving you a sample code for countdown of anything.
Here The script will count 1 to 100. You can change it as required.
     <script type="text/javascript">
      var c=0;
      var t;
      var timer_is_on=0;
      function timedcount()
      function doTimer()
      function stopCount()
  <input type="button" value="start" onclick="doTimer()"/>
  <input type="button" id ="txt"/>
  <input type="button" value="stop" onclick="stopCount()"/>
This countdown can be stopped and reset. This works well in the Firefox, Opera, GChrome.
Thanking you.
Shifflett Laurel