I am a higher secondary student. Everyone loves to use different software, even for learning. I would like to know the top 10 math learning software for higher secondary students.
I Would Like To Know The Top 10 Math Learning Software For Higher Secondary Students
There are free as well as paid learning software. Considering both, I will mention the I would like to know the top 10 math learning software for higher secondary students.
1. CK-12
This place is filled with different learning styles content and is highly customizable.
2. Khan Academy
A dependable site for all the subjects you want to study for your higher secondary. Students are never disappointed here.
3. PhET Interactive Simulations
A completely free solution to all your Maths problems. It provides excellent lab classes.
4. Mathspace
You will get a massive collection of problems and solutions here. It’s all about practice!
5. CueThink
This platform provides learning in a social approach that helps learners to learn plans and strategies.
6. Dragon Box
Provides a playful learning solution. Website
7. Algebra Nation
This software provides a straightforward learning approach like a teacher would do!
8. CanFigureIt Geometry
Proofs are dreading in maths. This app makes it look easy.
9. Desmos
Provides good instructors and inbuilt calculators to make your task easier.
10. Virtual Nerd
This app simply provides a virtual classroom.