Yesterday I made some changes to my GTX470. Since then I found myself unable to make use of the cpu test in “3dmark Vantage”. But GPU Test 1 and 2 are working well. All the games are too running smoothly. In the case of cpu test I am getting the following Error massage which says,
Affinity: 255
ID3D10Device::Create Pixel Shadier failed: An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function (E_INVALIDARG)”
Now I need an expert’s help. I hope someone here will be able to help me.
ID3D10 Device :: Create Pixel Shadier failed
There are two things that you should try.
1. Try and reinstall Vantage. This will help remove the incorrect values and help to run the test.
2. Go to C-Programdata-Futuremark–3DmarkVantage-cache and delete everything in the cache folder. After deleting try running the 3D Mark Vantage again.
Hope it helped Thanks!
ID3D10 Device :: Create Pixel Shadier failed
This can cause when shader cache is corrupted. You don’t need to worry about this. because there is not wrong with your hardware or software. Only this kind of error is happen when cache files are corrupted. I will tell you how to fix this. This is very simple.
First you have to go to the Folder Option to enable show hidden files option because cache data files are hidden.
So please click Start and then type Folder Options in the search box. Then click Folder Option.
In the Folder Option Dialog box, click View tab and then scroll down in the Advanced Settings field.
In the Hidden files and Folder , select Show hidden file, folders, and drives. Then click OK.
Now you can see hidden files. So you can easily find the cache files.
Please locate C:ProgramDataFuturemark3DMark VantageCache
Delete all the contents in the cache folder. Then Restart your computer.
Now you can run that program without any interruption.
Hope this will solve your problem.