If I know HTML and CSS why I need PHP
Only HTML and CSS based web page known as static web page and a web site running with PHP is called dynamic web site there are a big difference between these two first one is always same do not link with my SQL database so it don’t have variation. It can’t change it’s look according to user.
No user can sign up and create account like we see in many web site. On the other hand PHP based site has all the things that HTML based web site don’s and also has what HTML can do.
Like one thing if you are access from a mobile to a PHP based site it determines that you are accessing from a mobile and create a smaller site so your mobile can load it.
If I know HTML and CSS why I need PHP
Hi Penory,
PHP stands for “PHP hypertext preprocessor” and again P stands for “PHP” and so on. Off course you can make websites by just using html and css. But the reason you want to use the PHP script is just in case you want to enhance your website functionalities.
PHP is a server side script. Which means your scripts are not publicly available one, but it will only be processes on your server unless a request is sent to be processed.
PHP provides dynamic web pages to be made at your website. You see that every source code of an html page is available but if you look closely on .php pages it gives you nothing more than html tags and some java scripts.
PHP enables you to pipe line processing through which you can assign, each html tag a button or even a page, different, processes each time they run across your server. Through php 5.0 you can even do a lot more than previous versions of PHP .
As a competitor of ASP (server side script engine) php is the most widely used server side scripting language on about 20 million websites and 1 million web servers.
If I know HTML and CSS why I need PHP
Dear Penory,
Normally we use two types of web site one is static and another is dynamic. Dynamic website are more demandable than the static website and PHP used to build dynamic websites.
Another advantages of using PHP is it is a flexible language. By using PHPa user can modify or add any content or new menu to his or her website at the same time PHPbased website contain all the things.
For your concern the most popular website has been made by using PHPlanguage that is why you need to learn PHP language.