IHome IP76 is an iPhone with Led light

This iHome iP76 is a speaker tower with many colors to enhance the mood of your living room or wherever you love to put this speaker tower. This tower is able to connect to any wireless device, because it has Bluetooth connection.
This is a body studded with LED lights. This not just a regular lamp, its features are the light on the dock audio , it can remove glowtunes in 7 different colors.
When it is playing it will exude colors in a way of fade, pulse and strobe so its really nice to look at. The battery will charge automatically and it can sleep and become also an alarm. This is available this July to the market. Â This tower has 16 colors that is changing varying to the preferred mood of the user.
It can also connect to iPad and iPhones even your TV video outputs. The price expected is $200 that’s the retail price.Â
The iHome iP76 is a tower stereo speaker system that changes its colors where you can dock your iPhone and iPod using the Bluetooth technology. It stands 3-feet tall and when you dock your iPhone it doesn’t only play music from your device but charges it, too. It features auto-pairing and linking that makes it easy for your device to be connected.
The speaker system uses the Reson8® speaker chamber technology that delivers excellent sound. It can also be connected to a TV with its A/V jacks. The 7-color LED color changing cabinet has 5 lighting modes to select: slow fade, favorite color, pulse to music, strobe effect, and dimmable mood light. The slow fade effect displays colors blue, violet, indigo, white, yellow, green, orange, and red. You can also connect this wireless speaker system with any device that has Bluetooth technology like a computer, Smartphone, iPad, PDA, and or iPod.
The iHome iP76
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