Image cache improvement in amiga writer software

  How can image cache improvement and font substation performed in amiga writer software version 2.0 ?
Need to know this in detail. Can somebody help me. ThanksÂ

  How can image cache improvement and font substation performed in amiga writer software version 2.0 ?
Need to know this in detail. Can somebody help me. ThanksÂ
Image cache improvement is carried out at amiga writer with the help of software installed on your machine. There are two softwares which you can use. Picasso96 or CyberGraphX. Printer result is performed by fast memory which gives you excellent results. These softwares help the writer to avoid using chip memory for best results of image cache and quick memory access. Best results can be shown only on high resolutions images. In Amiga writer settings there is file which is know as font table. If writer fails to find the font, automatically it replaces the current font with the font named CG Triumvirate. Good thing is you will not loose the name of original font, only display will show the font named above. Document will be same after returning to the destination.
Amiga writer allows you to substitute unknown fonts with the fonts available in the system, while importing documents. Whenever  Amiga writer encounters a reference to a font that cannot be found it opens a dialog window to choose a replacement font.
Amiga writer also has improved image cache. The original image data is held in a cache, removing the need for frequent reloads while scrolling text or printing the document.