Imagine technology in the future

Technology is improving everyday, new inventions were created and life is now more convenient.
I was wondering how is our technology in future. How do you see technology in the next decade?

Technology is improving everyday, new inventions were created and life is now more convenient.
I was wondering how is our technology in future. How do you see technology in the next decade?
Changing people's thoughts day by day and technology is also gradually improved too. So our life is also changing too with the technology. Â It makes our life easier than past. Now we can communicate with world in a moment by the help of technology. It's not impossible to move one place to another place by the help of technology, medical science and technology developing rapidly and so many diseases problem already solved and rest are the waiting for positive result.
Every sectors depends with technology, so developing of technology is a message for develop everything. It will change our next age.