I received the following error message when I tried to import my email messages from Outlook 2007 to Windows Mail. I reinstalled the program to resolve this error but could not find any result. Have any idea to resolve this error message? Really, need your suggestion.
Error Message: Messages cannot be imported from the MAPI client. An error has occurred.
Import messages error occurred with MAPI client
Hi Taylor,
Here are some possible reasons why you're having that error:
You're trying to import your message to your Outlook 2007 even if you have already removed it from your computer.
You make the Outlook 2007 as your default Messaging Application Programming Interfaces or MAPI client.
Here are the ways to solve your problem:
If you removed Outlook 2007 on your computer you need to install it again.
Change the MAPI default client. Follow the instructions below to change the MAPI default:
               Step 1: Launch your Outlook 2007.
               Step 2: Go to Tools > Options
               Step 3: Go to Connection > Change and the Internet Properties will appear.
               Step 4: Go to Programs then select other email application that you want to use except Outlook 2007 in the list. Hit Apply then OK
               Step 5: Hit OK the close the Option window.
               Step 6: Close the Outlook then reboot your computer.
You can now use it. I hope this can help you.