Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 08/26/2011
Hi There!
I use adobe Photoshop for graphics editing. I have a computer business. So Photoshop is my best tool for photo print.
But today when I open my Photoshop window I cannot access my some important tools. (Magic wand, crop tool, paint bucket tool, background etc) I find some option to activate it . But I cannot find it.
So I uninstall it and reinstall. But problem is to same.
How can I activate these tools?
Important Photoshop tools are inactive
There are no problems on your Adobe Photoshop. Even if you reinstall the software many times the result would be the same, as based on the image inside the Photoshop the picture is indexed. You cannot use most of the Photoshop tools in this state. When a picture is on indexed color it stores and indexes the image’s color. You can only do a limited editing under this mode. You must convert the image from Indexed Color to RGB color. To do this “Image” menu, select “Mode” and click “Indexed Color” See the attached image below. After you do this you can now use all the tools in Photoshop.

Answered By
0 points
Important Photoshop tools are inactive
When editing GIF or indexed color image. Some tools are not usable, but not all kind of indexed color image. There are two kinds of GIF image file which is the animated and the other one is not animated. When you open an animated GIF file in your Photoshop, you cannot use some tools to edit that image. But if it is not animated you can use all tools.
Solution for this is to convert the image in non-indexed color mode of image, its either CMYK Color or RGB Color.
Newest version of Photoshop nowadays can use all tools in editing indexed color image. One of your solutions is to upgrade your Photoshop in a higher version.