Does Outlook support importing of OST files? In order to reduce the electricity consumption and save the storage space I am using the service of hosting my exchange server. My OST file size is around 20 GB with 10GB disk space required. So the service provider asked me to converting the OST files to PST files and to store it in a separate folder. I was able to read the OST file in outlook from the old server. I want to keep the OST file and new mails in the online server. Any ideas?
Importing of OST files in Outlook
Hallo Spephen List,
I do not think it will be possible for you to import the OST files using outlook, and therefore you will need to convert the OST files to PST first before you import them to your outlook.
You will need to have an application that will help you convert the OST files to the PST format and I will suggest that you download from the following site an application called ost2pst.
But before you do that you should make sure that you have made a backup of the OST files, just in case problems may occur during the conversion that may be costly for you to do a recovery.
You should also ensure that you have rights to the email that you used in the outlook mailbox to be able to transfer the files successfully.
Mahesh Babu