Improving Process of Software Quality Assurance

Software QA involves the entire software development PROCESS – monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed, and ensuring that problems are found and dealt with. It is oriented to 'prevention'.
Software quality assurance is a function of software quality that assures that the standards, processes and procedures are appropriate for the project and are correctly implemented.
To achieve this function the Software quality assurance team would first produce a quality plan that would specify any standards, processes and procedures that apply to a project. All of the standards, processes and procedures are identified and documented in the quality plan. Later in the process the Software quality team audits that the quality plan has been followed.
If during the audit, there are lapses found the SQA team would then inform only the process owners (concerned department) without affecting other process of the development team. This is how SQA helps process improvement.