Incorrect syntax near the keyword where

This morning I found in Event Properties this long error and I have no clue about this. My PC is working just fine and I think that this error it might not affect anything, but still. Can anyone tell me more about this ? What it’s means and is harming my PC ?
Thank you !

The following information was included with the event:
Database error occurred: #1950 (156) Generic db error: “156 ‘Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘WHERE’.’LastStatement=’UPDATE ak_patches SET wstrApplicationName=N’1093’,wstrFileName=N’patch_2786_server_b.exe’,wstrRelativeSrvPath=N’AutoPatches/akp8/9.0.2786/’,wstrToAppVersion=M’wstrFromAPPVersion=M’9.0.2786;9.0.2800,{cc02c40a-4ce3-421b-8fa3-1ddb1788c088};wstrCOmment=N’b,tCreationTime=CONVERT(DATETIME,’1970-01-01 00:00:00’,120),WHEREwstrPatchId=M’{2