Asked By
nick rourke
0 points
Posted on - 09/03/2016
I did not know that the windows machine I was using was infected by the Shortcut Virus. It has left my USB device corrupted and I can no longer access it. I want to know:
a. Where does it come from?
b. How to prevent my USB device of the virus?
The incorrigible Shortcut Virus that feeds voraciously on USB files
Every one of us has experienced the Shortcut Virus at least once in our lifetime. The only way you can check if shortcut virus exists already in the machine, is when almost all the files and folders in your computer were turning into a shortcut.
To resolve this, go to the WinRAR interface and browse through the infected drive. Add a Backup.rar and open the infected drive from my computer and format it. Bring back the files from Backup.rar.
Next time onwards, whenever you want to open and get the contents of your USB Drive, do not double click and open it. That will execute the virus. Instead, right-click on the drive and click Explore. This way, the shortcut virus won't be able to execute.
You can also use the generic Command Prompt code to erase the shortcut virus. Follow the screenshot given below: