Increase Speed of a Scanner

I have HP Inkjet R45, It takes too long to scan, almost 5-7 minutes, even at 200 dpi. How to increase its speed?

I have HP Inkjet R45, It takes too long to scan, almost 5-7 minutes, even at 200 dpi. How to increase its speed?
Your printer needs some adjustments to the settings, what you can do is go to the HP icon on your desktop,double click, open scanner, click on scan preferences, an adjust your speed there. If your printer was not found on your desk top then you go to start, control panel, printers and other hardware, right click, you will see properties click and ensure your printer is listed there.
You can resolve this by changing SPP mode to ECP mode
If your parallel port is set SPP mode (Parallel port in standard bi-directional mode) your data transfer rate is very slow. So you need to change this port to ECP mode.
To do these changes go to “BIOS” setup & select advance setting tab then change SPP mode to ECP mode.
The data transfer rate for a parallel port in ECP mode is over hundred times faster than SPP mode.
Mckinney Ma