Here is an error message, can someone please take care of it?
IndexOutOfRangeException when I open the standard wsl file: InfragisticStyleLibrary.wsl using AppStylist for ASP.NET. I can see an attached screen shot of this error. How can I resolve this error? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click
Continue, the application will ignoreÂ
this error and attempt to continue.
If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Index Out of Range Exception
Try the sample code that attached below:
Index Out of Range Exception
Check out your code to see that the allocation of the array is not too higher than the recommended one. If that does not work try out system restore because there could be a system error in the application.Once you have made all the trying and nothing works, then the best solution is to install a newer version of the software you are using.