Indians feel mobile technology will improve healthcare

Is it true Indians feel mobile technology will improve healthcare ? How many agree to it ? I don't understand how this will be helping health care ?

Is it true Indians feel mobile technology will improve healthcare ? How many agree to it ? I don't understand how this will be helping health care ?
Hi, James!
Your query is actually intriguing. After I read your question, I immediately browsed the web to search for answers and found out that Indians really feel that mobile technology can improve healthcare. Actually, 60% of them believe that cell phones can really help in improving health.
Since everyone has a cell phone, it can be used as a tool now to contact persons. Cell phones can be used to track mothers and pregnant women to remind them of their and their baby’s immunization. Through using cell phones in contacting these target population, it would be more cost-effective and more convenient to the health team to deliver quality care.Â