Why a Command Interpreter mostly separates from the Kernel and what are its uses? Can anyone brief a method to develop a new Command Interpreter using the System-Call interface feature in Operating system?
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Info needed : Command Interpreter and Kernel
A command interpreter reads commands from the user or from a file of commands and executes them.
Its mostly separated from other because:
*It is usually not part of the kernel since the command interpreter is subject to changes.
*If any of the one command interpreter or kernel crashes it doesn't take out the other.
*One user can customize or replace the command interpreter without messing with the kernel.
Also It allows various instances of interpreter to run simultaneously.An user should be
able to develop a new command interpreter using the system‐call interface
provided by the operating system.
The command interpreter allows an user to create and manage processes.It also determine ways
by which they communicate like through pipes and files.As all of this functionality could
be accessed by an user‐level program using the system call i think it should be possible for
the user to develop a new command‐line interpreter.