Recently I have started to use Linux and don’t know much about Linux. I mean how its file system works. I am trying to share files. But I am facing problem with file sharing. When I access shared folder from Linux it just comes out with “Local Disk”, nothing else. Please, help me to solve this.
Answered By
Noel Sam
10 points
Info Needed: File sharing in Linux
You can share your file, if you follow my below steps carefully:
I am using Samba for sharing file.
a. First you download Samba, and after downloading you have installed it in your system.
Installing command: sudo apt-get install samba (after typing that press enter)
b. After installing your Samba then type that for regard error.
sudo cp /ect /samba / smb.conf /etc / samba/ smb.conf_default (after typing that press enter)
c. Then copy the configuration file.
sudo gedit / etc/ samba /smb.conf (after typing that press enter)
d. Then you got pop up config file here you type work group name (with whom you want to share your file) then start a new line and type “netbois name= then type your server name”.
e. Then scroll down and come into share definition section here you can create a comment (for your reference) by create a line. I use here “NewShare”
Comment = Newshare
path = /newshare
read only = no
guest ok = yes
(Type like me)
f. Now, Scroll up and com into authentication section and come into security you see here wrote user delete it and type share.
g. Now click on save and exit. And return to the terminal.
h. Now, you have to make a directory.
sudo mkdir /newshare (press enter)
sudo chmod 0777/ newshare (you type this line for given access for everyone)
i. Lastly you have to restart your samba.
Sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
If you need more help then watch the video:
Thank You !!!