Information about HTML Tags And Their Uses

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

In HTML5, or rather any version of HTML contains something called as TAGs. What are these tags? What is their function? How do they prove to be useful to the user?

Answered By 40 points N/A #186787

Information about HTML Tags And Their Uses


Tags are like the header files of a C Program or a Package of Java Language. Tags in HTML are predefined keywords that have a set of predefined functions associated with them. They are used to develop, modify and customize our web page. Most of the tags in HTML have an opening and a closing tag. There is a tag specified for each and every function. Even to display information on web page, the user needs to use these tags.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #186788

Information about HTML Tags And Their Uses


In HTML, a tag or HTML tag is a hidden keyword within a web page that describes how a web browser should format and display the content. The majority of tags are used in pairs or in two parts, an opening tag and a closing tag. But there are also some that is used without a pair or doesn’t have a closing tag.

If an HTML tag has a closing tag, it should be used in pair. It will not work and will throw an error if the other tag is missing. Like for example the HTML tag, <html></html>. This tag is declared or used at the beginning and end of an HTML document and should be used in pair.

If either the <html> or the </html> is missing, your HTML file is in error and will not appear on your web browser. Additionally, the HTML tag <html></html> is a prerequisite in an HTML document and should always appear at the beginning and end of the file. Another tag that is used in pair is the anchor tag, <a href=””></a>.

This tag is used to link the current page to another page either on the same website or to another website. The URL of the web page you want to link to is inserted within the double quotes. Texts are inserted before the closing tag that describes the target URL. For example, <a href=””>The TechyV Website</a>.

An example of a tag that doesn’t have a pair or a closing tag is the break tag, <br />. Another example is the image tag, <img src=””>. The URL of the image to be displayed is inserted inside the double quotes. For example, <img src=””>.

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