I have a NET developer for the past three years. Just curious to know the area of network security. What work is done by developers who work in this environment, I really do not know much about the safety network, but what I understand, is to prevent these people in securing the network, network attacks and for participating in the hand. Can someone give me some information about this area, and what is needed to move into this area to me?
Information about Network Security field
Information about Network Security field:
4 simple rules:
• Always keep your virus and windows software update “on”.
• Always keep your firewall “on”.
• Bach up, Back up, and Back up.
• Always keep your passwords and key phrases safe.
Batter safe than sorry:
• Do not use common words or phrases for password.
• Do not keep your passwords written on a post-it taped to your computer monitor.
• Back up, Back up, and Back up.
Strange but true:
• You cannot secure a laptop until you secure the laptop.
• Make sure everyone follow the security plan, even the boss.
• Smart people can be stupid too, ever HR.
• Who launched that virus?
Wireless Network:
• Turn off the SSID broadcast.
• Password protect your router.
• Do not leave MAC addresses open to other.
• Leave your hardware firewall on.
• Use matching vendors.
• Never use WEP protocol only the newer WPA2 and above.