Information about Time Zone Converter PST To IST
Pacific Standard Time is the time zone of the Canadian and US west coast which includes cities like Seattle, San Francisco etc. India Standard Time is the time zone of India with places like New Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata etc. The time difference can be stated as that the Indian Standard time is 12 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Pacific Time. For example, if the Indian Standard time is 3.45 pm Friday then the equivalent Pacific Standard Time would be 3.15 am Friday.
Information about Time Zone Converter PST To IST
PST is the short term for Pacific Standard Time. It is eight hours behind Coordinated Universal Time and is frequently called PT or Pacific Time. The official short term for Coordinated Universal Time is UTC. They came about this abbreviation as cooperation between French and English speakers.
The International Astronomical Union and ITU or International Telecommunication Union hoped to lessen confusion and assigned one single abbreviation to be used in all languages. UTC doesn’t favor any specific language. Also, the benefit of selecting UTC is that it is consistent with the abbreviation for Universal Time which is UT with differences UT0 and UT1. UTC is the common time standard across the world.
So, if your time zone is PST and the current UTC time is 11 AM, for example, your current time would be 3 AM PST. IST, on the other hand, has variations because there are three time zones that use IST:
- * IST – India Standard Time or India Time is 5:30 hours ahead of UTC. It is a half-hour time zone where the local time varies by 30 minutes instead of the usual entire hour. It is frequently called Indian Time.
- * IST – Irish Standard Time is also known as Irish Summer Time. This time zone is one hour ahead of UTC and is a DST time zone or Daylight Saving Time and is used in Europe. During winter, several places will shift to the equivalent standard time zone which is GMT or Greenwich Mean Time.
- * IST – Israel Standard Time is two hours ahead of UTC.